
Become the first-class high pressure fluid control expert in the world

What to do if Air driven liquid pump is damaged during shipping?
The surest way for customers is to purchase cargo transportation insurance before transporting. Once the products are damaged, the first thing needs to do is make contact with the local shipping company or agent, and notify them immediately. The shipping company is required to offer a written confirmation of the damaged products, which is very important evidence for the purpose of claiming to the shipping company and the insurance company. Also, checking the types of the shipping transaction. If customers choose EXW during the transaction, then all responsibility is transferred to the purchaser and the seller won't be responsible for it.
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Dongguan Suncenter Fluid Control Equipment Co., Ltd is in the leading position in nitrogen pump industry in terms of technical strength, production scale and specialization. According to the material, Suncenter Fluid Control Equipment's products are divided into several categories, and hydraulic press machine price is one of them. The product is structurally sound. Its robust industrial strength frame makes it less susceptible to many factors such as shock and vibration. The product combines principles of simple operation with rugged construction. Many benefits can be attributed to the use of this product, such as high production efficiency, safety guarantee, and efficiency of materials use. This product can be installed at any predetermined pressure.
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Our company bears social responsibility. Aiming at reducing the potential environmental burden and impacts caused by our products, we make a life cycle assessment part of the development of sustainable new products.

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